CREW calls for an investigation into Jared Kushner’s security clearance

CREW called for an investigation into Jared Kushner’s security clearance which was granted against the advice of career security specialists. CREW also recommended that the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community investigate clearances granted to 30 other staffers in the Executive Office of the President.
White House security specialists, including then-White House Counsel Donald McGahn, recommended withholding Kushner’s security clearance due to his ties abroad that may make him vulnerable to foreign influence. President Trump reportedly pressured then-Chief of Staff John Kelly to grant Kushner’s clearance anyway.
CREW sent a letter to Kelly requesting that he revoke Kushner’s interim clearance in February 2018. This additional request addresses further conflict of interest concerns linked to Kushner’s family business and work portfolio, particularly interests in the Middle East. Kushner reportedly worked on the “Middle East Marshall Plan” to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia outside of the statutorily mandated process. Kushner also supported an international blockade of Qatar, which some suggest may stem from Qatar not agreeing to a financial deal benefiting one of the Kushner family properties.