House Ethics must release Gaetz investigation report

The House Ethics Committee must publicly release the investigative report and findings from its investigation into whether Rep. Matt Gaetz engaged in sexual misconduct and obstructed investigations into his conduct, according to a letter sent to the committee by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington today.
Gaetz resigned from Congress just days prior to the Committee’s reported planned vote to publicly release this information, and hours after President-elect Trump announced his intention to appoint Gaetz to serve as Attorney General. While resigning from Congress prevents the Ethics Committee and the House of Representatives from sanctioning Gaetz for any misconduct, nothing prevents the Committee from sharing its report, findings and exhibits with the public.
“The Ethics Committee is charged to prevent violations and promote compliance with House rules and laws by members of Congress,” said CREW Chief Counsel Donald Sherman, a former House Ethics Committee counsel. “This charge demands the release of the Gaetz investigation to the public.”
There is precedent for the House and Senate ethics committees to continue investigations and release findings after a member resigns in scandal. The Committee continued to investigate Rep. Eric Massa for sexually inappropriate behavior long after he resigned from Congress. The Senate Ethics Committee publicly released its report into Sen. John Ensign days after his resignation, going so far as to forward it to the Department of Justice and the FEC.
“The allegations against Gaetz under investigation by the Ethics Committee would represent a significant breach of public trust. They include not only allegations of sexual misconduct, but also the acceptance of improper gifts and the giving of special favors to people he had a personal relationship with,” Sherman said. “The public has a right to know what the Committee’s investigation turned up, especially given Gaetz’s resignation in a potential attempt to block its release.”
CREW is currently involved in litigation with the Department of Justice to release records related to the now-closed criminal investigation into Gaetz, including the DOJ’s decision not to charge Gaetz despite reports suggesting an abundance of evidence that he likely violated sex-trafficking laws.
Photo of Matt Gaetz by Gage Skidmore under Creative Commons license