CREW COMPLAINT: NRA undisclosed political activity nears $60 million
The National Rifle Association (NRA) failed to disclose more than $1 million in contributions to major Democratic and Republican leadership groups, bringing their total undisclosed political spending to nearly $60 million since 2008, according to a supplemental complaint filed today by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). This is the third complaint CREW has filed regarding the NRA’s political spending scandal.
Between 2008 and 2014, five 527 political organizations reported receiving more than $1 million from the NRA which the gun advocacy group failed to note. These groups were the Democratic and Republican Governors Associations, the Democratic and Republican Attorneys General Associations and the Republican State Leadership Committee, with the vast majority of the funding going to the Republican organizations. These donations increased as time went on, from nearly $55,000 in 2008 to more than $225,000 in 2014.
“It seems like every month we find more political activity that the NRA illegally failed to disclose,” CREW Executive Director Noah Bookbinder said. “The NRA’s consistent and egregious flouting of laws and requirements in its tax filings has become a disturbing pattern and needs to be investigated.”
CREW’s initial complaint found that the NRA appeared to have violated federal law by failing to disclose to the IRS $33.5 million in political spending between 2008 and 2013. CREW then supplemented this complaint after finding an additional $25 million the NRA failed to disclose in 2014. While the NRA admits its tax records are incorrect, it appears to have done nothing to correct them.
“If the IRS does not police some of its largest offenders, there will be little reason to believe that it has any interest in enforcing its own rules,” Bookbinder said.