CREW statement on donation of Trump hotel profits
CONTACT: Jordan Libowitz
202-408-5565 | [email protected]
Washington—In response to the Trump Organization’s announcement that it had donated profits from foreign governments to the U.S. Treasury, and its refusal to give any further details, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) Executive Director Noah Bookbinder released the following statement:
“This announcement is wholly inadequate. There is no transparency as to how much money they donated, how they arrived at that number, how profits were calculated, or where the profits came from. As we have pointed out before, their plan, even if fully implemented, is woefully insufficient, as it only includes hotels, not all Trump businesses, only includes events, as they are not even trying to track payments for hotel rooms and meals, and only includes a nebulous ‘profit’ figure—not all payments—calculated at their discretion. There is no independent oversight or accountability; we’re being asked to take their word for it. Most importantly, even if they had given every dime they made from foreign governments to the Treasury, the taking of those payments would still be a problem under the Constitution.”