Ivanka Trump’s business approved for new trademarks in Japan

Ivanka Trump’s business recently received approval for two new trademarks in Japan, according to records from a Japanese trademark database reviewed by CREW. Ivanka Trump’s business has received multiple foreign trademark approvals since she became a White House adviser in the Trump administration.These trademarks have created ethics concerns about her potential business conflicts, given her multiple international trips and meetings with foreign leaders on behalf of the Trump administration.
Ivanka Trump Marks LLC applied for these Japanese trademarks on November 9, 2016, the day after Donald Trump won the U.S. presidential election. The trademarks received approval on February 2 and February 16 of 2018, around the time of Vice President Mike Pence’s February visit to Japan and meeting with Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe.
Abe also met with Ivanka Trump herself in 2016, when she accompanied her father to his first face to face meeting with a foreign leader as President-elect. This meeting occurred roughly one week after her company applied for the trademarks that recently received approval. Ivanka Trump Marks LLC won approval for several Japanese trademarks in 2017 as well.
Recently, CREW discovered that Ivanka Trump’s business received approval for new Chinese trademarks about a week before President Trump announced he wanted to save the embattled Chinese telecommunications company ZTE, surprising his allies in congress and on the national security council.
Ivanka’s most recent financial disclosure form, which was made public on June 11, also raises questions about discrepancies between her registered trademarks and what she has elected to disclose. Her disclosure form states that Ivanka Trump Marks LLC has registered “name- and initial-related trademarks” in countries including Brazil. However, she appears to have no registered Brazilian trademarks, per a review of the trademarks database TMview. The company did apply for trademarks in 2014, but records indicate that it withdrew the applications.
Both Ivanka Trump and her husband—Senior White House Adviser Jared Kushner—amended their previous disclosures multiple times and made updates to reveal several previously undisclosed joint assets. Ivanka amended her disclosure form 13 times; her multiple errors and omissions create a lack of transparency around her sources of outside income and potential conflicts of interest. It has yet to be seen how many times she will need to amend her new form this year.