Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s 2019 personal financial disclosures

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump reported between $36,151,214 – $157,020,085 in income on their personal financial disclosures for 2019. As a part of that, Ivanka Trump reported almost $4 million in hotel-related revenue from the Trump Hotel in DC in 2019, which is slightly less than in her disclosure from last year. This appears to contradict Eric Trump’s claim that 2019 was one of the Trump Organization’s most profitable years.
Ivanka Trump also reported that she received $100,001 – $1,000,000 in rent or royalties from the trust holding her fashion brand businesses. This is significantly lower than what she reported in her disclosure covering 2018, but she reported that her businesses ceased operations in July 2018, so it is not clear why she received income from the trust in 2019.
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump also reported a new liability incurred in 2019 worth between $5 and $25 million. The note payable is held jointly with members of a commercial real estate company that Jared and Ivanka are invested in called Times Square Associates, LLC. They reported income from the LLC totaling $2,000,002 – $10,000,000 in 2019.
Finally, Jared Kushner’s interest in Cadre held steady at $25 – $50 million. Despite his plans to divest from the company, Kushner reportedly maintains an interest in the company and CREW discovered that, at his request, the Office of Government Ethics withdrew the certificate of divestiture related to the company.