CREW requests National Park Service records on Trump donation
CREW requests:
- Copies of all communications from January 20, 2017, to the present between any White House official and the National Park Service (“NPS”) concerning the President’s donation of his first-quarter salary to NPS;
- documents reflecting any conditions, limitations or other terms of use by the NPS of the President’s donated first-quarter salary; and
- documents reflecting the receipt by the NPS of the donated salary from President Trump, including the donation amount that NPS received, and the date of that receipt.
At a daily White House press briefing on April 3, 2017, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer presented Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke a check, signed by President Trump, for $78,333.32. This amount represents the President’s first quarter salary which was donated in fulfillment of his promise to work without pay. The President’s donation differed from the process the White House previously announced, namely the President would make a donation at the end of the year to a charity selected by reporters.
The requested records would shed light on the extent, if any, to which the President attached conditions or limitations on the donation and the factors that led to the President’s selection of the NPS as a recipient. Since President Trump has commingled his business interests with the interests of the government it is necessary for the public to know whether this donation was made in furtherance of his business interests.