CREW requests Cramer’s communications with Army Corps on border wall
Senator Kevin Cramer is reportedly fighting for his donor and State of the Union guest to win a government contract to build the border wall along the southern border. That same contractor, Fisher Industries, already contracts with the controversial group We Build the Wall. It also has a history of environmental fines and tax violations.
CREW requested all communications between the office of the Chief of Engineers and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the office of Sen. Kevin Cramer on contracts for a border wall.
On August 2, 2019, the Washington Post reported that Senator Cramer had held up the confirmation of a White House budget official in an effort to obtain sensitive information about contracts for building a border wall that the Army Corps had refused to provide him. Cramer represented that the White House had promised him the information if he released his hold on the nominee. The Washington Post obtained emails that show that Cramer has been trying to steer border wall contracts to major donors, Tommy Fisher and his wife of Fisher Industries.
The requested records will shed light on the pressures on the Army Corps for a border wall contracts and how it has handled those pressures, particularly from members of Congress and the White House. The public is entitled to know how much contracts for the very controversial project have been impacted by outside forces and special interests.