CREW requests OGE records on Kushner divestitures
CREW requests copies of the applications for Certificates of Divestiture submitted by the White House to OGE on behalf of Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, and their children. CREW also requests a copy of Mr. Kushner’s public financial disclosure report (OGE 278e) that was submitted in support of his applications for Certificates of Divestiture.
OGE issued Certificates of Divestiture to Mr. Kushner earlier this year based on its understanding that Mr. Kushner would completely divest of all financial interests in BFPS Ventures LLC (“BFPS”), as well as other technology assets. A statement by Mr. Kushner’s lawyer last month raises a question regarding whether he has fully divested of interests necessary for compliance with 18 U.S.C. § 208, including his interests in technology company Cadre, which we have learned from recent news reports is held by BFPS. Given Mr. Kushner’s continued involvement in shaping technology policy for the administration in his role as White House advisor, the public has an interest in knowing whether Mr. Kushner has divested all of his conflicting financial interests in his technology holdings. The requested records will shed light on this issue.