The SBA has indicated that it has no records responsive to the FOIA request below.

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As if his over 3,000 conflicts of interest weren’t enough, Trump may be able to use coronavirus relief funds for his own personal profit. Trump’s grifting has been so blatant that Congress even had to put provisions in the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), to bar Trump and his family from profiting from it. Despite those measures, Trump’s businesses and Kushner Companies could still benefit from assistance through another loan program through the Small Business Administration (SBA), and the public deserves to know if he is receiving funds, raising serious questions of conflicts of interest and preferential treatment.

CREW has requested records on any financial assistance that Trump properties or organizations or Kushner Companies might have requested from the SBA.

If Trump is using SBA loans for his own personal benefit while thousands of small business owners struggle to sustain themselves amidst the coronavirus, then that is clearly of great public concern. Taxpayer dollars have already gone towards Trump’s struggling businesses, and amid a crisis, the public deserves to know the extent of Trump’s grifting and if his businesses are receiving any undue special treatment.

On May 4, CREW received a loan under the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program. The loan will help CREW continue fighting for a more just and ethical government, which is now more critical than ever. With American taxpayers footing the bill, transparency is crucial when it comes to where assistance related to the coronavirus pandemic is going.

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