CREW sends Kobach complaint to DOJ

CREW sent a letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ) requesting that it investigate whether Kansas Secretary of State and Vice Chair of Presidential Advisory Commission on Electoral Integrity (“Commission”) Kris W. Kobach improperly participated in a matter in which he is believed to have a financial interest. Such participation would constitute a violation of the federal conflict of interest statute.
Secretary Kobach agreed to be paid for writing and delivering columns to Breitbart News. One of those columns seemingly was written by Secretary Kobach in his official capacity as Vice Chair of the Commission, an advisory committee established by Executive Order that is charged with studying voting processes in federal elections, including voting fraud. Secretary Kobach then incorporated the column, which alleged there was serious voter fraud in the New Hampshire 2016 election, into a Commission meeting, and posted it on the Commission’s website. Because Sec. Kobach agreed with Breitbart News to write a column for official Commission use, knowing he would be paid for the column, he appears to have participated in a matter in which he had a financial interest, conduct that may have violated the federal conflict of interest statute.