CREW v. Election Assistance Commission

CREW filed a complaint against the Election Assistance Commission for their failure to disclose to CREW communications with the Executive Office of the President and congressional offices.

CREW V. DOJ (Kallstrom)

Following the FBI’s refusal to turn over communications between its agents and James Kallstrom, CREW sued the Department of Justice.


The DOJ must release opinions containing secret law on key issues produced by the OLC, memoranda which DOJ has withheld in violation of the FOIA.

Lawsuits 2013-2014

From 2013-2014, CREW filed a number of lawsuits related to transparency and other issues.

Lawsuits 2010-2012

From 2010-2012, CREW filed a number of lawsuits related to transparency and other issues.

Lawsuits 2003-2009

CREW filed a number of lawsuits from 2003-2009, including a number of FOIA and other transparency lawsuits.

Help CREW hold Donald Trump accountable.

Trump is an insurrectionist, and the Supreme Court does not dispute that fact.

While they should have barred him from the ballot, the Court not exonerating him is a win for democracy. 

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